Al momento non è presente nessuna mostra in programmazione.
71 opere presenti in mostra:
Sala 1 - Poem Poetry / Volti e Persone opere del 2015
Sala 2 - Poem Poetry / Persone e Volti opere del 2015
Sala 3 - Poem Poetry/ Volti, Persone e cartone opere del 2014 - 2015 e 2016
71 works in the exhibition:
Room 1 - Poem Poetry / Faces and People works of 2015
Room 2 - Poem Poetry / People and Faces works of 2015
Room 3 - Poem Poetry / Faces, People, and cardboard works of 2014-2015 and 2016
I Video di John M Bennett
-Video Poetry / Visit: http://www.johnmbennett.net/vidpoe-gallery/
Altri video:
-John M. Bennett interview for 3:AM Magazine
John M. Bennett interview by David F. Hoenigman. September 11, 2009 Columbus, Ohio
Durata: 10:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBHT2Ys4uZQ
-Beast Sombra by John M Bennett Pubblicato il 07 gen 2017 giornata ZAUM DAY 2017 Durata 1:48 https://youtu.be/kUlOsrNZzjo
-John M Bennett and Circuitry Room clip 2 / Another clip from John's 70th birthday bash. Recorded on October 12, 2012. Special guests on this recording include Larry Marotta and Byron Smith. durata: 3:49 https://youtu.be/3LMaF9GCipk
-John M. Bennett & Luis Bravo - Improvisaciones II / John M. Bennett & Luis Bravo, Improvisaciones II, a partir de "El cuarto andar" de J. Bennett. Con Byron Smith (trompeta), Ryan Jewell (tapemusic). Filmado por Catherine Mehrl Bennett, el 19.9. 2012 , en SkylabGallery, Columbus, Ohio. Edición, Juan Ángel Italiano. durata: 4:11 https://youtu.be/-JGLmspLmT4
-Olvido del surr / John M Bennett & Luis Bravo, Texto y voz: John M. Bennett, voz Luis Bravo. Audio del CD "areÑal, ene topos bilingües & other sounds" (2013) Idea de video Luis Bravo, gráficos y edición de Juan Angel Italiano. durata: 2:42 https://youtu.be/XGObGDUMtXs